Tuesday, April 14, 2009

UNN Presents: Killer Mike Interviews Dr. Stanley Pritchett, President of Morris Brown College

UNN and Killer Mike hook up again and catch up with Dr. Stanley Pritchett, President of Morris Brown College to speak on the significance of Historically Black Colleges and Universities in the past and in the future.

Although I didn't attend Mo'Brown my heart still goes out to how the school is spiraling in financial troubles with all of this Black money being made in Atlanta alone. I always found it unfortunate and ironic how Mo'Brown lost its accreditation the same week that the NBA All-Star Game came to Atlanta and how all of the celebrities and what not were spending $400 and up to get into those million dollar parties but couldn't manage to drop a dime or two to help the school out. Not telling them how and where to spend THEIR money, but still.

Anyways check out the vid and leave feedback. Be on the lookout for more things from UNN in the very near future.

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