Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Michael Phelps as "Himself"

By now you've seen this Michael Phelps Subway commerical on TV. That is, if you watch mundane programming like ESPN and Law & Order re-runs (sorry, I have vices too). For the most part the commerical looks harmless. Two of America's sweethearts enjoying America's favorite sandwich...

But as my brother pointed out to me, peep the music playing in the background. Are we the only ones who find it ironic that for Michael Phelps first endorsement since his visit to the Bong Bong Room that they choose Sly Stone's "Thank You For Letting Me Be Myself."

Its as if Subway and all others involved in this spot are subliminally asking us to "forgive" Phelps for smoking weed and letting down his fans. Not that I cared in the first place, but something tells me that if this was one of the ReDeem Team members getting caught with a blunt in his hand we wouldn't be seeing them in a spot like this.

Am I reading too much into this? Because hell, this is the same dude that caught a DUI four-years prior. I guess that makes the song choice even more appropriate since the hook goes "thank you for letting me, be myself AGAIN." On top of that I find even more funny that of all artists they chose Sly who's known to have hit a bong or two in his day...if not yesterday.

I guess we can't say race is too much of a factor in circumstances like these anymore. After all, Kobe is getting commercials again, six years after his tryst in Colorado...eventhough the commercial doesn't really feature him, but a puppet instead.

But yeah, maybe I'm tripping. All Phelps did was smoke weed and drink and drive. We all make mistakes right? Even role models.


Bayan The One said...

and he just lost his record, so lesson should be learned, do not do drugs... or do if u're committed to setting a world record in this particular area of human activity

Anonymous said...

good on mike phelps. be your self and do drugs and eat subaway. A brilliant slice of lounge pop for the ages.

Anonymous said...


good on mike phelps. be your self and do drugs and eat subaway. A brilliant slice of lounge pop for the ages.